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Help the whole world by donating to this website, in order to save Antarctica we need to do something


I am Martina Dominioni and I am here to help Antarctica and us at the same time. We are polluting the wonderful planet we are living on and not everyone is thinking on the big problems this could give to us one day. So by donating money on this website you will help save Antarctica and you will help save the world.


My prodject is to help Antarctica and improving its environment, my purpose is to change peoples points of view by making them understand that there is only one planet we can live no and we have to protect this wonderful planet in every single way we can and with no doubt I think that we would all want a clean and fresh earth back.


Donate to this website to save Antarctica, feel free to contact me with my e-mail (that will be linked in the donation page) for any questions or suggestions for the website and donation ideas. The money you will donate will directly go to me and I will futher on donate it to big initiatives that help sustain the environment in different ways.

Get Involved

Get involved and write me any comments or again suggestions for my website. If you go on the "about us" page, you will see a button that says "contact me here", you will then simply need to click it and put your name and e-mail and will manage to contact me. The blog will not be updated since it is not suppose to be there. The blog does not fit with my arguement so please egnore.


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